Information Sheets

New Facility Information Sheet Series

This series of information sheets provides information about JCUA, the new facility, and the key benefits and innovations that will be part of the facility design.

Infosheet 1: Project Overview

Learn about the role that JCUA plays in our community, the current facilties, and new proposed facilities would be located.

Infosheet 2: A New Facility

Read about the three key focus items for the project, which are Planning for Resiliency, Protecting the Environment, and Managing Growth.

Infosheet 3: Benefit Highlight - Environmental Protection

Learn about the environmental focus of the project including: Protecting Waterways, Maximizing Capacity, Designing for Compliance, and Focusing on Sustainability.

Infosheet 4: Benefit Highlight - Growth & Resilience

Read about the growth and resilience focus of the project including: Preparing for Growth, Designing for Resilience, and Conserving Resources.

Infosheet 5: Benefit Highlight - Innovation

Learn about the innovation focus of the project including: Zero Discharge and Biosolids.

Infosheet 6: Inside a Water Reclamation Facility

Read about how the operations inside a Water Reclamation Facility works.


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